The Best YouTube Channels to Learn Swiss German

Are you new to Switzerland and want to learn the dialects spoken here? If so, you’ve landed in the right post. I’ve put up a list of YouTube channels that have great content to help you learn Swiss German.

I’m a big YouTube fan and user myself. Not only do I use it for entertainment, but also to learn languages. As a visual and auditory learner, there’s not a better combination for me than learning through videos.

After researching for a while, I couldn’t find many YouTube channels besides the ones I already consume as a Swiss German learner. I even asked friends for recommendations, but these added only one YT more channel to my list.

Zermatt village with the peak of the Matterhorn in the Swiss Alps

1. Learn Swiss German

Learn Swiss German is the first Swiss German channel I discovered. It was created by Kathrin, a Swiss teacher that knows various dialects.

What I like about the videos is that they cover single topics, so that you can focus on learning one thing and then move on to the next one. Videos are quite long, so topics are covered in detail.

The videos cover topics that go from how to use Swiss German in your daily life, to SG grammar, and conversational topics to familiarise yourself with the dialect.

What I also like is the newly incorporated YT shorts, because it’s a cool way to learn while being entertained.

Also, Kathrin has one of the few Swiss German apps available, and also a great podcast that I already featured in this post.

You can also become a member of the channel to get exclusive content, or arrange private lessons with Kathrin.

2. Swiss German for Beginners

This is another channel I love! Andrea created the channel in 2020 due to the lack of Swiss German video resources, and I have to say I really enjoy her content.

The videos are mostly in Zürcher dialect, and what I like the most about them is that they’re fun to watch and very entertaining.

Topics go from everyday vocabulary, to Swiss cultural information, to long videos to listen during your sleep that lots of people like. There are also videos on Swiss German grammar, which are always very useful. There’s even a playlist with videos for children.

Somehow the way videos are made make you want to keep watching them and keep learning at the same time without getting bored, which is why I enjoy them that much.

We featured one of her videos in this post, which explains in a fun way the most important verbs in Swiss German.

Andrea also offers private lessons, and you can subscribe to her Patreon if you enjoy her content.

3. Speaksli

This is a very nice channel that not only features videos to learn Swiss German but also other languages such as High German, Spanish, Turkish, French, and Italian, among others.

The animated videos are entertaining and cover easy daily topics such as greetings, and some Swiss German grammar as well.

4. Maryangel24

You may wonder why am I adding this channel if videos are more than 7 years old.. but a friend recommended it to me and I have to say, although videos are not the newest, I promise content is great.

There haven’t been any new videos posted since 2014, but Mary covered lots of topics in over 30 videos. Videos are mostly about Swiss German grammar, vocabulary, and Swiss culture.

She speaks in Züridütsch, the dialect from Zurich. Explanations are in English, which is quite helpful if you’re just starting to learn Swiss German.

Jungfrau region, Bern, Switzerland

After much research, I can certainly say there aren’t many Swiss German YouTube channels, but the ones available have good quality content to learn the dialects.

Let me know in the comments if you know any more Swiss German YouTube channels you would like me to add to the list!